For egg-laying hens, the measure outlawed the cramped quarters known as battery cages, which animal-rights groups said were both inhumane and potential sources of disease. 2 of 2008, required that farm animals have enough room to lie down, stand up, extend their limbs and turn freely. It banned the sale in California of meat products from animals held in smaller cages.Īn earlier California initiative, Prop. 12, approved by more than 62% of voters, required producers to provide at least 24 square feet of floor space for each breeding pig, one square foot for each egg-laying hen and 43 square feet of floor space for calves raised for veal. The state’s interest in protecting the interests of Californians could not be clearer.” “Millions of people every year are sickened by a range of bacteria and viruses that flow from factory farms. “It is shocking that the Biden administration is attacking the rights of states to enact anti-cruelty and food safety laws” that are nonexistent at the federal level,” Pacelle said.